U-6 (Bambini Group)

U-6 (Bambini Group)

Coach Sahil Nathani specializes in coaching pre-school & Kindergarten kids, aged 3.5 to 6. Besides having their first contact with a football, they also develop fine motor and gross motor skills, as well as develop dexterity, along with hand-eye and foot coordination. With this, the kids hone their athleticism, all while having fun.

Typical Session Includes:

  • Motor Skills,
  • Ball Familiarity,
  • Basic Drills (Dribbling, Passing, Shooting),
  • Fun Matches

Schedule: Every Saturday, 11am-12pm. (1 hour session)

Registration Fee: Rp.750,000/- (Includes Jersey kit and socks)

Monthly Fee: Rp.480.000 (4 Sessions) / Rp.600.000 (5 Sessions)

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